Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005
Ist fertig!! Heute morgen war ich bei den Abnahmen und dann hats mich gepackt und ich hab alles andere liegen gelassen *gg* Foto gibts, wenn ich Batterien für die Digicam habe...

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Hello! I am the anonymous backtacker who will be sending you a finished notions holder. I've been reading your blog with the help of the google translator (which is not very good), but mostly just admiring your beautiful knitting. I would love to know what sort of holder you might like (perhaps a knitting needle case?), and what sort of notions you might need (or want!) -- really, anything you would like me to know as I work on your project! I'll be checking your blog for answers! Thanks!

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Lilypie Baby Ticker

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Lilypie Baby Ticker

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