Freitag, 20. August 2004
Huhu Secret Pal
Ich dachte mir, es kann nicht schaden, die Fragen aus dem Newsletter mal zu beantworten..

What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?

I prefer Wool, Cotton is also ok, I dont like 100% acrylic..
Ribbon yarn and all other fancy yarns are nice

What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?

I want to do the Tartan Jacket fro Interweave knits!!

What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?

I guess thats socks and pullovers.. Dont like knitted skirts..

What are you knitting right now?

Right now I´m knittting a pullover for a yarnshop in Rowan Yorkshire Tweed, my own design, for girls

What do you think about ponchos?

I love them but tend to not wearing them in the end... But I want to do one!

Do you prefer straight or circular needles?

I prefer circulars and dpns

How did you learn to knit?

I watched my mom as a child, learned to cast on somehow by myself, my teacher in school couldnt help me, because I´m lefthanded, so my mother struggled with it. Now I can knit both left and righthanded, thats what I do mostly to avoid to purl :o)

How old is your oldest UFO?

My oldest (knitting) UFO is not that old, I guess 2-3 month, because I just started to knit again last October. Dont ask about my quilting UFOS!!!!!!!!!!!

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